We deliver online learning activities for health professionals working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males. Training activities are available via our eLearning portal.

Our courses have been developed under the guidance and direction of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reference group.


If you've never completed a training activity with us, you'll need to register through our eLearning portal. 


Go to the eLearning portal

Course title Course description Course type NAATSIHWP CPD hours

Communicating specific men's business: A training activity for Aboriginal Health Workers

The aim of this video series is to provide Aboriginal Health Workers, and other health professionals working in Aboriginal health,  with culturally appropriate education to better engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male patients.  This training activity discusses sensitive sexual health issues and the associations between chronic disease and erectile dysfunction (ED). The activity includes a series of interviews with health professionals working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males and medical specialists with expertise in male reproductive health issues.

If you are a GP and wish to complete the RACGP/ACRRM endorsed course, please click the link below for our eLearning, portal to enrol in: 

A lot of Aboriginal men sort of keep it to themselves: communicating specific men's business

Online learning 4








What's it like being a male Aboriginal health worker?