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Healthy Male is a provider of information on men’s health. We facilitate action on men’s health in collaboration with others, advocate for change, empower men and boys to take action on their health, build the capabilities of the health system and workforce, and prioritise our efforts to close the health and wellbeing gaps in specific groups. Ultimately, we are working towards our vision of generations of healthy Australian men. We aim to make the information we provide available to everybody, regardless of gender, age, education, sexual orientation, religion, or ethnicity.

Men’s health events
Events and health promotion activities in local communities are a great way to raise awareness of men’s health issues. We believe that by hosting men's health events, we can get conversations started and reduce the stigma around seeking help for issues that are sometimes difficult to talk about. Healthy Male has a wide range of resources and health information to support your events, presentations, and displays, which can be ordered through our online store.

Real stories
Sharing your experience can help other people relate to and better understand a particular health issue or condition. It can offer comfort and hope to those who may be experiencing something similar and motivate them to take positive action and seek help and support. Courage is contagious and by sharing your story you can give others the confidence and strength to speak up and share their stories too.

The Male
Published every six months, The Male features articles on men's reproductive and/or sexual health conditions, tips on how to hold an event and order our free resources, and updates on what's been in the works at Healthy Male.

Useful websites & support groups
Talking about your health to those who understand can help. This resource may help you find further information on your condition, provide details on current research studies, and connect you with others who may be going through something similar.