We've partnered with Cancer Australia to develop data set specifications (DSS) for prostate cancer and testicular cancer to assist clinical monitoring and reporting of the treatment and care received by affected men.


National data set specifications (DSS) for prostate cancer

The Prostate Cancer (Clinical) DSS, formally endorsed by the National Health Information and Performance Principal Committee (NHIPPC), are the nationally recommended standards for clinical prostate cancer data collection.

The PCDSS is publically available in METeOR the Metadata Online Registry for the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.


National data set specifications (DSS) for testicular cancer

Data items and definitions for the DSS for testicular cancer have been finalised following consultation with key stakeholders. The testicular cancer DSS is yet to be formally endorsed but may be used as a clinical resource for testicular cancer data collection. You can download a draft of the testicular cancer DSS here.


More information

For more information see the Cancer Australia data set specifications.