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A wide range of organisations across Australia are committed to the health and wellbeing of families, and some great work is happening with fathers.
The following organisations may be of interest to fathers or men seeking to become fathers.

Dads Group
Dads Group promotes positive parenting and provides new dads with support and social connection. They have established 70 Dads Groups across Australia. Resources and programs are available to assist organisations to support their employees through the transition to parenthood. Dads Group also runs community events and in involved in several research partnerships.

Men and Parenting Pathways
Men and Parenting Pathways (MAPP) is a program of research that investigates men’s mental health and wellbeing and how it affects and is affected by family life.

Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA)
PANDA offers information, programs and free national helpline service to support new and expecting mums and dads struggling with parenthood. Their How is Dad Going? webpage addresses perinatal anxiety and depression in men.

Relationships Australia
Relationships Australia is an organisation that offers resources to couples, individuals and families to help enhance and support relationships. Offices are located in each state.

Red Nose Grief and Loss
Red Nose Grief and Loss offers a range of services to support bereaved parents and family members, including a national telephone helpline and peer support programs. Their Fathers Support Services provides support for bereaved fathers and grandfathers by phone or email.

The Fathering Project
The Fathering Project is a University of Western Australia-based not-for-profit charity led by a team of professionals that aims to help fathers realise how important they are in a child’s life and to give them advice on how to encourage their children.

Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority (VARTA)
VARTA provides independent information and support for individuals, couples and health professionals on fertility and issues related to assisted reproductive treatment. This includes IVF, surrogacy and donor-conception.

Your Fertility
Your Fertility gives you the most current information about what you can do to have children when the time is right for you. It’s based on the most up-to-date scientific research and prepared by experts in the field.
For more support information, see Useful websites & support groups.
For more information about the Plus Paternal Project please get in touch via our Contact us page.