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The Healthy Male orchidometer is a medical device to measure testis size in a clinical setting. It is a sequential series of 15 ellipsoids (beads) ranging from 1 to 35mls, and the number of ellipsoids can be altered to suit the individual needs of the health practitioner.
What is an orchidometer?
An orchidometer, a series of ellipsoids (beads) of increasing volume, is a medical instrument that can be used to accurately measure volume and determine the size of the testes.
Why use an orchidometer?
A health practitioner uses an orchidometer to measure testes size and determine the onset of puberty and later pubertal development. The orchidometer ellipsoids, which are of increasing volume are compared with the size of the patient’s testes. Measuring the volume of testes is important since irregular testes can determine certain illnesses such as testicular cancer. In addition, the presence of testicular growth can confirm that a boy is moving from adolescence into adulthood.
Ordering your orchidometer
Orchidometers are available to purchase directly from Healthy Male for $154.00 (inc. GST) and is recommended for health practitioners only. Healthy Male orchidometers are not available for resale.
How to receive a complimentary orchidometer
GPs who complete an Online Learning Module through the Medcast platform will receive a complimentary orchidometer.
Instructions for how to claim a complimentary orchidometer are provided as part of the evaluation questionnaire upon completion of Online Learning Modules. Please note Healthy Male webinars and podcasts are not included in the complimentary orchidometer offer.
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